Monday, March 28, 2011

A memory that will last...

Whew!!! What a week it has been. Between school work and student work, I feel that I have not had a chance to stop and catch my breath. 

This week for me had been quite stressful because I had to turn in my unit plan... I bet I scrapped my plan 4 times before I could finish it.  Note to self teaching (planning) pre-k is harder than it looks.

In other news, our school was on lock down both days I was there last week. Experiencing it from a teacher's stand point is much differnt than from a student stand point.  By this I mean instead of just following directions and procedures set down by the teacher, I had to implement what the prinicpal wanted.  Fielding questions was some what difficult because honestly I was never sure what was going to come out of their mouths.  One child told me it was not fair to keep them in from outside because they needed their recess... mind you these children are four and five.  Needless to say I was astonished.  To say that I was ready to leave on Friday is an understatement.  I was absolutely, positively wiped out at 2:30pm when we took them out to their buses.

One thing I do wonder is,do all teachers go thru training for these events? I know in my school there was confusion about what constitutes a soft vs. hard lock down... I think some sort of print out or something would be beneficial for each teacher to have to refer to.  Other than that I think that keeping communication between teacher and administration is important and maybe not  have so much on the announcements to freak students out.  This week has been one that I will remember... hopefully I will learn from it as well...

1 comment:

  1. Kids DO need recess! All kids. It is sad that this situation took away that daily joy.

    I do think sometimes written rules help in situations like this. But I do think what happened last week in Athens was pretty unusual, and there may have been some confusion for that reason. I know your rest this weekend was well deserved!

